Continuing from my last post on Oscars 2017, let's look at other best film nominees: D) Hidden Figures: For a better understanding of this film and history of 'space race' b/w Russia and USA back in 1960s-1980s, I shall strongly recommend you to watch 'The Right Stuff'. It's an epic film of 80s, quintessentially American and exquisitely narrated. Hidden Figures borrows heavily from The Right Stuff's coverage of America's space mission of Project Mercury and make it it's narrative backdrop. And it tells us the story of three Black American women mathematicians who did all the intensive computing and mathematical calculations that propelled John Glenn and his fellow astronauts into Space. Dubbed as the Feel Good film of the year, it's strongly acted by Taraji P. Henson and Octavia Spencer. While Academy notoriously snubbed Taraji for a best actress Oscars, Octavia has won a nomination for the best supporting actress award. You will definitely fee...