The fact that some of my friends made a note of when I objected to Trump's Ascension to US Presidency that He could really be 'different'. So here is the proof, friends, 'not really'. Fahrenheit 9/11 claimed through US finance ministry sources that Saudi Arabia owned 11% of US GDP in 2004 and that data have only made a jump in years afterwards. If Sheikhs of Saudi decide to withdraw all of their money at once from US Banks, US of A would bankrupt. We all know Saudi Arabia as the flagbearer of Wahabi and Salafi Islamic Schools and they are the ones who have funded all incidents of Islamic Terrorism in the world. Osama was their son. USA has to love Pakistan not because of it's role in defying Russians in Afghan war of 1990s but because of it's close ties with Saudis. Every US President has been in 'bed' with Saudi Sheikhs and that will always be the case till the time Saudis have crude oil wells at their disposals and by that time, Saudis might own ha...