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Film Essay: Gone Girl (2015)

About one hr ago, I was in midway writing my post regarding my second chosen topic which was a movie called the 'Gone Girl' starring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike but the electricity roaster of my city and dying battery of my laptop combindly failed me. Facebook doesn't save the half complete post like MS Word and now I cannot seem to remember one single word from my last post. But the awesomeness of this movie has forced me to write about this one more time and if my phone doesn't hang out in between (which has been the case as of late), I might come up with a useful piece.

If you believe that Queen Cersei, Brienne of Tarth (of Game of Thrones), Rooney Mara (of The Girls with the Dragon Tattoo) and Uma Thurman (of Kill Bill) are some of the most wicked, cruel and yet courageous women of celluloid history, you will be in shock after finishing your viewing of Gone Girl for Rosamund Pike would have check-mate you with her suave but manuevering ways. I for one haven't watched such an anti-heroine for a long long time. Rooney Mara comes closest with her devil-may-care performance in The Girl with a Dragon Tattoo but her role has been cut down to shreds by the movie producers for the sake of making Daniel Craig look more hero-like but here, David Fincher does justice to Gillian Flynn's adapated screenplay of the novel by the same name and writer. Gillian Flynn wrote the novel 'Gone Girl' and brought the entire USA and Europe market down with its sensational, cutting-edge, blood-soked and yet extremely intelligent plot. You wouldn't find yourself bored despite the presence of Ben Affleck or by movie's length which does breach the Hollywood standards by almost half an hour more but I am an Indian and I can devour even a five hr movie courtesy of Gangs of Wasseypur and Ashutosh Gowarikor.

And speaking of Ben Affleck, I haven't found him that funny for God knows how many years. He plays down here his obvious movie intelligence and does justice to the screenplay and his role as a laidback and lazy guy who only gets to know of her wife hideous, manipulating acts when he is too much labored to even breath. Rosamund Pike is THAT GOOD in this film, ladies and gentlemen.
There were multitude of topics that I wanted to write them about as my second topic but after standing witness to Miss Pike's extraordinary performance in Gone Girl, I had to give up on my calling and adhere to her brilliance......and you too won't regret this calling, I promise.............‪#‎IAmDone‬...............‪#‎NakedEmotions‬


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