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HBO's ROME: A Vintage TV Classic

I've been watching a lot of TV series lately. About a month ago, I finished watching the fifth season of Game of Thrones and immediately started looking for my next pick. LOST followed till season 1 and then I picked up on Wire. Undoubtedly, they made for excellent viewing but my hunger of a fantasy TV show was far from satiated. And this was not to say that Game of Thrones is only a fantasy show, it's far from that for it mixes every enjoyable item imaginable in a 45 minutes show and thus rightfully was awarded a Primetime Emmy for Outstanding TV Series, finally. It isn't a popular TV show only with the masses but also with TV critics. It has attained critical acclaim unlike any other show in history of American Television and has thus become an 'immeasurable' phenomenon. HBO would have been poorer in its absence.

But prior to Game of Thrones' arrival on HBO, it came up with a TV production of Rome, an epic TV Series that tells us the story of Rome's transformation into a 'Republic'. My quest of an epic, fantasy series in succession to GoT landed me with Rome and I must say,I feel proud of my selection now. Rome was used to be administered under the 'presumed' tyranny of Julius Caesar and Brutus, his most trustworthy friend and accomplice, along with Cassius, Cicero and Cato conspires to murder him. They succeed in doing so but Octavian Caesar and Mark Antony turn the tables on them. Cassius and Brutus find themselves utterly defeated and consequently exiled to Greece. Meanwhile, the struggle for power doesn't really end here and it starts again with the feud of Antony and Octavian. Octavian is the rightful heir to Julies Caesar's throne (Caesar himself declares him so in his will) but Antony is certainly the most famous warrior and people's leader in contemporary Rome. There are subplots concerning Cleopatra (Queen of Egypt) and Herod (King of Jerusalem) too in Rome. Octavian makes the most of Antony's greed and one momentary slip and sends him To Egypt. Antony falls in love with Cleopatra and thus we get a first hand experience of the famous folklore of 'Antony and Cleopatra'. They together make a great power but again, Antony's colorful character and lack of knowledge of political know-hows lead to his demise and finally, Rome completes its transformation from a 'tyranny' to a 'Republic'.

All this story was told keeping in fray two central characters, Titus Pullo and Lucius Vorenus. Both are extraordinary fighting talents and incredible warriors. Technically speaking, Vorenus is the superior of Pullo. Pullo is a legionary and Vorenus a captain in the infamous 13th legion of Roman Army but circumstances breed a great friendship between them. Their friendship only forms the greatest subplot of this TV series and characters of Pullo and Vorenus played respectively by Ray Stevenson and Kevin McKidd are legendary. Both actors have performed to their level best and you are bound to fall in love with them by the end of season two. And that's all. Two seasons with 22 episodes and you would certainly regret HBO's decision to not continue with it. Rome's production quality can only be manifested in superlatives. Many actors of envious acting talents grace the production of Rome. James Purefoy portrays Antony and I later got to know that this actor was seriously considered for the role of James Bond on two occasions: one after the retirement of Pierce Brosnon and Second after the filming of Casino Royale (when Daniel Craig failed in his first attempt). Ciaran Hinds plays Julius Caesar and This veteran actor from UK continues to amaze me after so many years. Polly Walker and Lindsay Duncan does the justice with roles of Atia of Julii and Servillia. Toby Menzias is as good a Brutus as any. Costumes and Cinematography are exemplary and story-plots keep you interested going further with each episode.

So simply put, this post is most highly recommended for those people who enjoy not only the aforementioned qualities in a TV series but also like to plunge in history to get to know everything which is there to know and 'Rome' certainly offers a rich, vivid and unparalleled historical account of old 'Rome. This old Rome had its existence before the arrival of Jesus and you shall definitely feel richer in historical perspectives after standing witness to this magnificent city in 'Rome'.........#Marvelous.......#Hooked........#NakedEmotions


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