As of late, checking the news on TOI/Hindu App first thing in the morning after waking up has become one of my standalone habits. It helps me in opening up my eyes, widening them after a 6 hrs sleep. So today as well, I followed up the same routine. Terrorist Attacks in Paris: The first and only news flashed across my Mobile Screen. Eyes Wide Open, Jaws on the floor and mind completely numb. Next moment: TV Switched on. All the infamous Indian News Channels blaring their coarse voice, their necklines sore. Irony: Some are making news space for Ind/SA test matches like the Indians are caring for it too much now. Perhaps tomorrow. Perhaps day after tomorrow but at least, not today you morons. Tickers are running at a frenetic pace. Emergency Numbers flashing across TV boards. World Leaders showing solidarity in condemning the gruesome attacks. Pretty common stuff, regulation you can say. Talk about 'growing intolerance' now. I'm listening. Lives and achievements of 160 citizens done and dusted and Paris is still burning. Don't grieve friends, that won't do......avenge them........#PouteOutuvre........#NakedEmotions
It's really hard to switch on to a different language from the one you have constantly been tinkering with. I grew so accustomed to writing in Hindi in last few days that it started dawning on me that I might never be good again with my English. So this is a tester, ladies and gentlemen. Yesterday, one of my movie group friends, an American by nationality, questioned my fondness of documentaries. I specifically wrote in one of my columns that documentaries demand your unwavering attention and once you gave 'that' to them, you are rewarded much more handsomely than a proper, narrative, fictitious film. My reasoning for believing so is that a documentary is an experience of a creative process. It doesn't get made to 'entertain' you. They are there to reveal something to you. They teach you something. You get overwhelmed by them. 'Racing Extinction (2015)' was one such documentary. I watched it in last couple of days. I couldn't complete it in one ...
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